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A "Great Baikal Trail" - perhaps, you have heard about this; but it is STIIL OUR DREAM ONLY. In project tours which I propose this dream becomes quite real IN THE MOST DIFFICULT AREAS OF BAIKAL.

It is due to apperance of catamaran size 6x2.5 meters, with smalloutboard, we are moving all tourist's things on Lake Baikal. Of course we need radio stations like Motorola Talkabout- T5950 two-way radio for the range of 8 km.

We need clients! Perhaps, you tell me what company in your country I may address? - it is very little affair but still it would be very useful for us, IT IS A CHALLENGE!

Project of the tours for 2005 (as far as I know - nobody has done this that way! - you can add an interpreter for additinal price, it is difficult to find here an interpreter; just people here don't go for such long way!):

Severobaikalsk - Kotelnikovsky Cape - Elokhin Cape - village Zama - Sakhurta - settlement Khuzhir by catamaran with smalloutboard (453 km.). You are trekking all the way from Severobaikalsk till settlement Khuzhir.
10.06-4.07.2005 and back at 6.07-31.07.2005 (second group).

1 d. - you begin with Severobaikalsk, explore the river Tyya; and explore the river Sludyanka. Stop for a night near Sludyanskie lakes. See till Elokhin Cape the map in English "Across the NORTH-WEST BAIKAL AREA". Total 22 km.

2 d. - you visit the Sludyanskie lakes, Island Boguchansky and stop near Baikalskoe village for the night. Total 22 km.

3 d. - next stop near river Guilga, 20 km.

4 d. - then you came to Cape Kotelnikovsky. Here you stop for a night. Swim in the hot springs. Total 20 km.

Notes are taken from the tourists "Cape Kotelnikovsky - Cape Elokhin": Jael (young girl from Israel), German tourists Gabriele and Rando Steinbach that came to us in September 1999.

5 d. - Trekking till Tatarnikova Ruslo (14km). "The men living in Kotelnikovski told us, that it`s difficult to cross river Kurkula. May be, that is right in spring, but in September crossing was no problem at all".

6 d. - Trekking till Kovrizhka Cape (14km). "Pawel, who is the man living there, was very kind and he took us with his boat over the gap in the beach, that opens the way for the water into the bay. So we went round Cape Bolsodej on the shore and didn`t use the land-path that is marked in the map". Good fishing in small lake.

7 d. - Trekking till Bolshaya Kosa Cape (13km). "Muzinajskaja Guba: There you have exactly the same situation as in Guba Bolsodej: In the map it seems to be a way on the beach, but in reality there is no possibilty to cross the connection between Lake Baikal and the small lake behind the shore-line without a boat. We shouted and waved towards the other bank for a while and then the man living there came out, and picked us up with his boat. When you are not in the same luck as we were, you have to go round the small lake and it will take you an additional day, I believe". Good fishing in a small lake.

8-9 d. - Trekking till Hibelen Cape (18km). "Cape Malaja Kosa: From there up to Cape Hibelen is absolutely no way. Not on the beach (steep rocks falling into deep water) and not up in the forest (broken trees make it very difficult to find a way through). We needed about 4 hours for 2 kilometers in the forest. Jael tried to make it on the beach and had a bad fall from a rock into Lake Baikal with her pack on the shoulders. It was really dangerous, I think. She managed it, to come out of the water but everything was completely wet. When we met her again in the hut near Cape Hibelen, she got some clothes from Gabriele and it was possible to dry all her things because there is a oven and it was no problem to collect dry wood". Hiking on radial route to mountains.

10 d. - Trekking till Bolshoy Chereshany Cape (8 km). "Bol.Ceremsanyi: The people living there, Witali, Galja and their son Sascha, warned us to go further on to Cape Elohin. The Mountains are steep on this last part and the path is very narrow and was wet from rain. So we stayed for a day in Ceremsanyi and gave Victor a sign, when he passed with his boat. Their is a pier in Ceremsanyi and it was no problem for Victor to stop and pick us up. Cape Elohin we passed only on Lake Baikal". Getting acquaintance with cottages.

11 d. - Trekking till Elokhin Cape (10km). Getting acquaintance with with a huntsman of Baikalo-Lensky Preserve. Russian bath house.

12 d. - Trekking till Cape Sredney Kedrovy (16 km). From here you use the map 14 in Russian album of maps around lake Baikal: "Pribaikalie", scale in one sm two km.

13 d. - Trekking till Bay Zavorotny (16 km). See map 14.

14 d. - Trekking till Bay Solontsovaya (24 km). See the map 13.

15 d. - Trekking till Cape Pokoiniki (15 km). See the map 13 and 14.

16 d. - Trekking till Cape Shartlay, then you trekking the house about 2 km somewhat (14 km). See the map 13 and 18, 19.

17 d. - Trekking till Cape Kocherykovcky (23 km). See the map 18.

18 d. - Trekking till the village Kocherikova - it took 14 km, then to the shore it has taken 4 km; by the water it is 11 km. See the map 18.

19 d. - Trekking till the village Onguren - it took 27 km, then to the shore it has taken 4 km; by the water it is 17 km. See the map 18.

20 d. - Trekking till the village Zama - it took 22 km, then to the shore it has taken 3 km; by the water it is 22 km - it is Bay Kodovy. See the map 32.


You have an opportunity to cross "MALOE MORE" (15 km) and to explore the shoreline of Olkhon Island during next 5 days. For doing this you are to bigin the moving at 6 o'cloak in the morning and USE PADDLES BY ALL MEN IN CATAMARAN, in this case you can cross the "MALOE MORE" under working smalloutboard also. See the map 32.

21 d. - Trekking till Cape Yadyrtui (32 km). See map 31.

22 d. - Trekking till Cape Khadarta (24 km). See map 30.

23 d. - Trekking till Sahurta (32 km). See map 30.

24 d. - Trekking till Cape Shibetski (26 km). See map 31.

25 d. - Trekking till Khuzhir (20 km). See map 30. Now it is 453 km. When you came back to Nizhneangarsk (for eight full days!) - it would be 933 km both ways. Clients may go anywhere.

26-34 d. - you return to Nizhneangarsk.

  1. A group of up to 4 persons (not less) is served. The cost 1500 $ for a person.
  2. You may be the the whole family (take your mother and father). Having with you only photograph camera or video camera! All your luggage will be moving by by catamarans on Lake Baikal. Driver (he is also a cook) will help you to prepare the food and a guide will help you. You shall have a life-belt.
  3. You shall follow your route on the maps: till Elokhin Cape the map in English "Across the NORTH-WEST BAIKAL AREA", in Russian album of maps around lake Baikal: "Pribaikalie", scale in one sm two km. You can get maps from me.
  4. You are to have your personal gear: tents, rugs, sleeping bags, bedding.
  5. Optimum date is 10 June. Then the best way is to arrange the second group moving from Khuzhir settlement to Nizhneangarsk (about 6.07-31.07).
Prices include all services: food, transportation, commission for tour operator (10%) and travel agency (10%). Prices don't include your personal gear: tents, rugs, sleeping bags, bedding.


You should always keep close to the shore (you move from the shore of Lake Baikal at a distance of 10 meters); if there would be sudden wind - you must have enough time to drag the catamarans on the shore!

Fredrik from Sweden on 8.09.2002 (e-mail: ---@telia.com):

> will there be meny mosquitos on these tours, thats something > to try to awoid, from some of my stay in russia i know > they can ruin your vacation.

I recommend for defence from mosquitos to use protect gauze. Also it is absolutely necessary to follow instructions of Patricia Ormsby (Japan) to protect you from bites of tic; see her article on encephalitis (on my website).



Click to enlarge. Photo by Jorge Ferreira.
Click to enlarge. Photo by Jorge Ferreira.

Contact Rashit Yahin for more information: